Saturday, November 5, 2011

You see how many babies in there?!?

                  It took me three months to get pregnant the second time around about two and a half years after Princess was born.  Those of you who had to “try” to get pregnant understand how long that can feel.  My husband, saddened by my grief every month, suggested a spiritual fast in which we would pray for peace with whatever God sent our way, while expressing to him our desire to have another child.  When I got pregnant with Princess, I knew almost immediately.  We were on vacation when we nervously waited the three hours minutes it takes for the test to complete and looked like two deer caught in the headlights of life when we realized the test was positive.  We smiled, threw up, and began preparing to tell everyone.  Therefore, it was no surprise that I was immediately suspicious of my second pregnancy.  I had a Thanksgiving trip to my grandmother’s house (9 hours away) planned, so I wanted to get in to the doctor as quickly as possible.  (Because I wanted a Dr. to confirm the pregnancy so I could tell all 90 members of my family, of course.)  The Dr. confirmed and scheduled an ultrasound for the very near future, which I thought a little odd but not enough to dampen my spirit.  Looking back, I don’t really know why I told my husband he didn’t need to go with me to that first ultrasound.  It just seemed silly for him to miss work when all we would see would be a little peanut (silly me).  My mother refused to let me go alone (and miss out on the chance to see said peanut before anyone else).  I also wanted to take my daughter Princess, so I invited my godmother to go along.  (As a side note, Godmother isn’t actually my godmother per se, but she is my mom’s best friend and the mother of two of my best friends, Sissy and Adod, so she took care of me a lot when I was younger and we all took/take vacations together in the summer.  It’s easier to just say godmother rather than explain that situation all too often.)  Godmother stayed with Princess in the waiting room, because I got pretty nervous at the last minute that something could be wrong.  Maybe, just maybe, the Dr. sensed there was something wrong and that is why she made me go in so early.  I was feeling stupid for not taking Dean with me.  Luckily, the technician quickly found the little sac which held a baby…(ENTER INNER MONOLOGUE) "Wait, is that a line down the middle of it?!?,,, and what is that other thingy over there anyway?  Somethings wrong!  What if I lose the baby?  What if I can't ever have any more children?! I promise I'll love it even if somethings wrong with it, God.  Please just let it be ok!"  I panicked for what felt like an eternity but couldn’t have been mere moments when the technician looked at me and said, “Do you see that there are two?”  I’m not exactly sure what my response was, but it must have been loud and frantic.  I think it was something along the lines of “Are you kidding me?!  My husband’s going to kill me!  One better be a boy or he’ll never forgive me!”  This sounded even crazier when broken by sobs. Also, considering that it was the first ultrasound, it was a bit awkward since I was crying so hard the image was shaking. (Think back to what kind of ultrasound that first one is ladies!) To say the least, I made a complete and udder fool of myself, (which later made me somewhat relieved to be transferred to a high risk Dr. ) Now, for fear of making my husband sound unreasonable, let me explain some things.  He was not angry at me for “accidentally” getting pregnant with twins, nor would he have held me responsible had both been girls, since neither was an option I had control over and took without asking him first.  HOWEVER, I couldn’t help but be shocked.  My husband, after being relieved of his class by a frantic (God bless her) guidance counselor telling him that his wife needed to speak to him immediately, flew down to the phone, waited while I calmed myself enough to say the words, and held it together pretty well when I told him that the “one last baby” would actually be two.  “After all”, he said, “it’s not like you could help it.”It reminded me why he was my hero.  My mother also made a fool of herself in the dr. office out of complete joy.  Daddy was a little upset when I told him because I was crying and preluded the news with “everything is ok but..”  because he said everyone says that before giving you bad news.   My sister-in-law, Sil, said something I shouldn't repeat on here, but was excited overall.  I couldn't get in touch with Bubby (my brother), so Sil told him later.  My husband told his parents, and they were absolutely thrilled with the idea of having an extra, unexpected grandchild.  Princess, being less than three didn't see why it was such a big deal, and, to this day, forgets that not everyone has two at once.  My friends were all excited, but a few of them thought I was being funny, and I had to text them a picture of the ultrasound to prove to them I wasn't lying.  Others often don’t believe me when I say that it never occurred to me that I could have conceived twins.  Twins run in my dad’s family, but out of 26 first cousins (about 15 or more of which have had children) my set is the first natural set to be born.  When I had Princess, I fantasized about having twins because I didn’t want to have to go through that whole process again, but for some reason my mind wouldn’t allow me to think that the second pregnancy could be twins.  Funny thing though, God didn’t ask before blessing me with them, and I’m glad because I might have tried to talk him out of it. 

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